Elevate Your Artistry: The Ultimate

5-Day Charcoal Painting Challenge

Unlock the Fundamentals

of Hyperrealism

Join a 5-Day Intensive

Understand the Charcoal Hyperrealism Fundamentals

The 5-day Intensive will guide you through the basics of charcoal painting.

Within these 5 days you will gain the knowledge of:

  • Mastering Materials: Learn the ins and outs of charcoal materials and their uses, allowing you to wield them with confidence in your creative endeavors, resulting in higher-quality artworks.

  • Fundamental Insights: Gain a deep understanding of the core principles of charcoal painting in hyperrealism, setting the foundation for your artistic journey.

  • Step-by-Step Mastery: Acquire a clear, step-by-step process for creating hyperrealistic charcoal art, making the once-challenging task of charcoal drawing feel easy and accessible.

  • End with Pride: Experience the thrill of accomplishment as you complete a stunning piece of hyperrealistic art by the end of this intensive course, a testament to your newfound skills.

  • Global Art Community: Forge valuable connections and friendships with fellow artists from around the world, expanding your network and sharing your passion for art.

Do you find yourself...

  • Stuck and uncertain about your artistic path?

  • Lacking the knowledge and skills to excel in hyperrealism?

  • Feeling isolated without a supportive artistic community?

  • Overwhelmed, lacking a clear direction to achieve your artistic goals?

  • Without a mentor or role model to look up to for inspiration?

Are you eager to...

  • Break free from creative limitations and explore a new artistic medium?

  • Master the art of charcoal painting with confidence and precision?

  • Delve deep into the world of hyperrealism and unveil its secrets?

  • Create a masterpiece that fills you with pride and self-assurance?

  • Prove not only to others but also to yourself the incredible potential you hold?

5-Days 5-Lessons

Learn hyperrealism without getting discouraged!

  • Lesson 0: Tools and Materials for Charcoal Painting (immediate access)

  • Lesson 1: Sketching (Use of Grid Lines)

  • Lesson 2: Understand Shading Techniques

  • Lesson 3: Application of Shading Techniques

  • Lesson 4: Detailing and Highlighting

  • Lesson 5: Boarder Design & Finishing

Lessons will be pre-recorded with daily live Q&A sessions with Victor.

Live calls are scheduled for 8:00 AM MST/4:00 PM West Africa Standard Time (WET)

Victor Arts Studio

Featured here is just a glimpse of Victor's extensive portfolio.

Meet Victor

Victor Achineje, the dedicated founder and instructor at the Victor Arts Studio, hails from the vibrant city of Kaduna, Nigeria. With an unquenchable passion for art, Victor has carved his own unique path in the world of pencil portrait painting and pyrography.

His artistic journey began in the most unconventional way. As a young and inquisitive teenager, Victor sought to learn the art of pencil portrait painting from an old street artist who, despite being a master of the craft, had no time to spare for him. Undeterred by this challenge, Victor embarked on a quest for knowledge and mastery. He was driven by an insatiable curiosity, a relentless pursuit of excellence, and an unwavering dedication to his craft.

Victor's determination and talent propelled him to become a full-time artist at the remarkable age of 18, a testament to his extraordinary commitment to his passion.

As the Founder and Instructor at the Victor Arts Studio, Victor has made it his life's mission to share his expertise with aspiring artists from around the world. He is not just an artist but a mentor who is committed to raising up a generation of great artists. Through his guidance and teachings, he empowers others to follow their artistic dreams, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and inspiration needed to create remarkable works of art.

Victor Achineje's story is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and the transformative potential of art. As an artist and mentor, he continues to make a lasting impact on the world of art, nurturing the talents of a new generation and helping them realize their artistic dreams.

What Others Are Saying About Victor Arts Studio - Online Charcoal Painting Course

Two of Victor's students from his most recent online course: Painting in Charcoal Medium

Sara Habernicht

Enrolling in the charcoal portrait painting course was so new to me. I never imagined I could create a portrait, let alone with charcoal, a completely new medium for me. With Victor's support, keen eye for detail, and valuable feedback, I was able to create something I never knew I was capable of. I gained the ability to understand skills of charcoal painting, and how incredible the medium itself actually is. I highly recommend Victor's courses to anyone who has the passion for charcoal painting and hyperrealism.

Debra Jones

"I still can't believe I drew a portrait that I'm proud of!"

I am not a practicing fine arts artist, I am new to charcoal painting, and I've always stayed away from drawing people because I could never draw them to proportion, let alone look real. Under Victor's step-by-step instruction and directive feedback, I did what I never thought I could do -- I drew a portrait that I am proud to show.

From the desk of...

Debra Jones, Founder and Co-Creator of Raindrop.Community

Dear Aspiring Hyperrealism Artist,

I am honored to introduce you to Victor Achineje, a dedicated visionary and creative force with whom I am proud to collaborate in co-creating Raindrop—an online private community and business partnership tailored for artists and creatives. Victor stands as one of the Founding Raindrop Artists, and his commitment to both his art and the greater good is truly inspiring.

Victor's art is nothing short of awe-inspiring. It is imbued with an unmistakable passion, and when you experience it, you can literally feel the energy flowing from each stroke of his artistic expression.

What sets Victor apart is his profound understanding of the hurdles that young artists encounter, especially when they lack the technical knowledge needed to transform their potential into greatness. It pains him to witness their dreams wither, not due to a lack of talent but because discouragement has extinguished their creative spirit.

Victor is on a mission to heal the world through his art and by nurturing the aspirations of his students. His commitment is unwavering, and he refuses to leave behind anyone eager to learn. Victor is determined to challenge society's antiquated notion of artists as "poor, wretched souls with no ambitious future."

My collaboration with Victor is based on our shared, vivid vision. Independently, we each wove our aspirations together with the threads of divine purpose. As a result, we were brought together to help manifest this vision on a global scale. Our collective mission is to empower artists across the world to fully embrace and express their art as an embodiment of Love in action.

Will you join us on this transformative journey?

In gratitude,


Elevate Your Artistry:

Enroll in the Ultimate 5-Day Charcoal Painting Challenge

Unlock the knowledge and skills to elevate your artistry in Charcoal Hyperrealism. Master the fundamental concepts that will propel you to the next level of artistic excellence.

🚀 Enroll Today for $97.00 USD